“Contemporary and traditional puppetry alive in Indonesia. A view of Java and Bali” by Ana Lorite (Naranjarte)”

En esta ocasión quiero compartir contigo una noticia que me ha entusiasmado, y es que esta semana me han publicado un artículo en la revista de UNIMA Australia en colaboración con UNIMA Asia Pacific Commission.

Mientras estábamos en Bali, la gran artista titiritera y profesora de ESL Kay Yasugi, que probablemente conocerás por mi guía “5 errores comunes en la enseñanza del inglés y 5 trucos empleando títeres y circo”, me contactó para que escribiera un breve artículo que hablara de nuestra experiencia titiritera en Indonesia para la parte de la revista de UNIMA Asia Pacific. Como bien deduces, inmediatamente le dije que sí y me puse a ello.

Aquí  (al final del todo) puedes leer en formato resumido lo que fue nuestra experiencia en Java y Bali con Papermoon Puppet Theatre y en la residencia artística de Sanggar Paripurna. También se incluye un video cortito que trata de plasmar en imágenes esta experiencia que tan bien hemos aprovechado y que quedará grabada en nosotros por siempre.

Puedes leer también el artículo desde aquí:

Ana Lorite from Naranjarte (a 2 person company based in Spain with Sergio Aguilar, combining puppetry and circus) shares her experience of exploring puppetry in Java and Bali, Indonesia. This is part of their larger project travelling around the world investigating Puppetry and Circus in Language Teaching.

About Naranjarte
Naranjarte is a company based in Madrid, Spain with Ana Lorite and Sergio Aguilar, that mix the arts of puppetry and classical circus.Having received an honourable mention for her final degree project with the investigation “Puppetry in English Language Teaching”, Ana Lorite seeks to broaden her knowledge by combining her expertise in Puppetry with her partner’s in Circus. Naranjarte started a new project in September 2017. From Spain to Malawi in Africa, passing through Europe, Asia, Australia and South America, Naranjarte will expand its research worldwide and visit numerous schools in different countries in order to prove the benefits in using Puppetry and Circus in Language Teaching.After three years working in different schools as full time English teacher for preschoolers and primary students and using puppetry in her daily classes, Ana started dreaming about having a wider sample and experience and she and her partner Sergio decided to chase their dream about traveling the world with their project.https://www.naranjarte.com/en/about-us/Click the link below to subscribe to their newsletter for more information about their project “Puppetry and circus: a trip around the world’s schools”, and info about their training courses and services:

It has already been 2 months since we arrived in Indonesia and I don’t feel like already 60 days has passed. That said, the learning experience with regard to puppetry, culture and traditions all together has been so intense and profound that this time has really made its mark in our lives.

I remember the day we first heard about Villa and Sanggar Paripurna in Bali thanks to Kay Yasugi. We got in contact via Skype with the well-known Australian director, producer, writer and puppeteer Peter Wilson, who was running the Villa Paripurna and collaborating with the famous Balinese artist I Made Sidia in Sanggar Paripurna. Without second thought, we agreed to take part of this wonderful artistic residency for one month in October.

Thanks to volcano Agung, which first threatened to erupt in September, we ended up in Java and were forced to postpone the residency in Bali. Although we had to improvise everything and fly by the seats of our pants a little, we thoroughly enjoyed discovering Javanese culture and traditions, as well as getting in touch with contemporary puppeteers. We visited Papermoon Puppet Theatre in Yogyakarta, who do outstanding contemporary work. They tell stories about ordinary people with visual and non-verbal language by using mainly rod puppets. We also gave a lecture at their studio and a small performance to boot. Moreover, we will be taking part in next International Puppet Festival Pesta Boneka in October 2018.

Therefore, out of the blue, many opportunities arose and finally, when the volcano calmed down we crossed to Bali where we have been for the last 15 days enjoying our artistic residency. Not only do we receive daily lessons about Wayan Kulit with our “dalang” and carve a wooden traditional Topeng mask (holding it with our feet),
but also, we have had the most beautiful immersion into Balinese culture and traditions. Every evening, we attend rehearsals where we bear witness to the development of a new show about the main types of Balinese arts (Burong, Topeng, Wayan Kulit, painting and dance).
It is amazing to see these two directors (Peter and Made) working together so well with two different backgrounds and sharing so many beautiful ideas on stage. The puppetry training offered in Sanggar Paripurna is the tip of an iceberg within a learning and life experience of incalculable value.Agung has been threatening again for the last days and I feel as though our time in Indonesia has just started again, while I hear the prayers and gamelan music for ceremonies ringing around my head and soul.